
An Unforced Error:

15th July 2024


Are you into lawn tennis? French Open, ATP Tours, and of course our beloved Wimbledon.

If you like Tennis, then there is much to be admired in relation to the fitness and skill of the players, and an appreciation in being able to hit or lob a tennis ball over a net with the intention of winning the point. One must also have respect for their mental fortitude and determination. Their skill and professionalism are to be commended.

But what I have never understood in lawn tennis is the unforced error. What is that? You know, they hit the ball and miss the line and then there is the unforced error. You mean, a mistake, the wrong shot?
You aimed for the line and missed. Why is that an unforced error?

Are you saying that you -Ms Tennis player- you never make mistakes, that every ball you hit always hits the mark? So professional and perfect…? Of course not.

We all know we make mistakes. Errors of judgment, financial decisions, family and so on. These mistakes may not be intended, may even be unforced, but errors and miscalculations never the less.!Personally, I prefer team sports, where in most cases you are part of a team and can hopefully rely on your fellow teammates to encourage you (or not!) as the game continues.

And being involved with the Food Bank, is being part of a team that helps others with their ‘unforced errors,’ so then they can move on and maybe start again.
Perhaps in doing so, we can help them find a new direction and enable them to move forward. Possibly finding a restored purpose or a determination to achieve once more.

So, the next time you have an unforced error and are able to help someone who has just hit the ball and missed the line…then as a Food Bank we can help… perhaps we can level the score a bit!
And by the way, I once met a girl on a tennis court…Her name was Annette 😁


#Taunton #Wellington #wiveliscombe #Somerset

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